A Ride through time

  • 1895
  • 1911
  • 1933
  • 1934
  • 1938
  • 1941
  • 1942
  • 1946
  • 1949
  • 1958
  • 1959
  • 1963
  • 1970
  • 1978
  • 1979
  • 1895

    Schwinn’s Founding

    The establishment of Arnold, Schwinn & Company by Ignaz Schwinn and Adolf Arnold in Chicago marks the beginning of Schwinn's journey in the bicycle industry.
  • 1911

    Excelsior Motorcycle Co

    Schwinn expanded its portfolio by acquiring the Excelsior Motorcycle Company, diversifying into motorbikes.
  • 1933

    The Balloon Tire

    Schwinn introduces the first balloon tire bicycle in America, revolutionizing bicycle comfort and performance.
  • 1934

    The Autocycle

    The introduction of the Schwinn Autocycle sets a new standard in bicycle design and aesthetics.
  • 1938

    The Paramount

    The launch of the Schwinn Paramount, a premier racing bicycle, influences competitive cycling design for over fifty years.
  • 1941

    World Record Speed

    Alfred LeTourneau sets a bicycle speed record of 108.92 mph on a Schwinn Paramount in Bakersfield, California.
  • 1942


    Schwinn shifts focus to support the WWII effort, producing military bicycles and equipment for the US.
  • 1946

    Influencer Marketing

    Schwinn pioneers influencer marketing, featuring celebrities like Roy Rogers and Ronald Reagan in its catalogs.
  • 1949

    The Phantom

    Schwinn introduces the Phantom, adding a new icon to its lineup of innovative bicycles.
  • 1958

    Advertising & Captain Kangaroo

    Schwinn became a pioneer in TV advertising, marketing their bicycles on "Captain Kangaroo" to millions of children across the US.
  • 1959

    Schwinn Comic Book

    Schwinn releases its own comic book, engaging young audiences with branded storytelling.
  • 1963

    The Sting-Ray

    The release of the Schwinn Sting-Ray, inspired by "chopper" motorcycles, catalyzes the creation of BMX riding and becomes Schwinn's all-time bestseller.
  • 1970

    The Varsity

    The 1970 bike boom was dominated by the Schwinn Varsity, making multi-speed bicycles accessible and popular in the US.
  • 1978

    Fitness Equipment

    Schwinn introduces the AirDyne, a popular at-home exerciser, tapping into the home fitness market.
  • 1979

    The Birth of Mountain Biking

    A nationwide broadcast showcases people in Marin County riding Schwinn Excelsior X bicycles off-road, sparking the mountain bike movement.